Monday, June 27, 2011

PreSton, IdaHo!

Oh gorgeous, gorgeous Preston! The ride down was way fun. All of the roommates went. We left around 8am after getting some delicious donuts from paradise donuts! We learned a little bit more about Erica, Emily, Laura, and Jen playing Ultimate Truth. Logan is only a little ways away from Preston, so we went shopping and all got stuff at bath and body works cause of their huge sale! After that we had yummy sandwiches at the reservoir.

Driving from Logan to Preston...yeah we woke up way too early ;)
(Also funnest part of road trips, taking pics)

The water was cold, but we had a wonderful time!

We also watched Tangeled, Popcorn fights, and a grand ole time measuring our Heights. So it has been said a person is as tall as his/her arm span. Well Brooke's arm span is too tall for her height and Laura's is to short, but when you put them next to each other it's perfect. Brooke has Laura's arms and Laura has Brooke's arms. But Brooke's long arms keep the popcorn away from Laura .

We had a great weekend and enjoyed getting out of Rexburg with each other. Now back to school, which there is only
3 WEEKS left!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Photo Shoot!

Spring Semester + Beautiful Sun + Great Roommates = A Photo Shoot.... Finally!!

Here are some of our favorites :)

Ummm hello gorgeous!!!